Install Ezmlm-idx
EZmlm-idx is a nice mailing list add-on to Qmail. When we install Qmailadmin later on, you'll see that EZmlm-idx integrates seamlessly into Qmailadmin to provide a very user friendly mailing list management interface. As an added bonus, Vpopmail (which we will install as well) will let you control what users can and cannot use mailing lists! Can't beat that! Its home page is here:
tar zxvfp ezmlm-idx-7.2.2.tar.gz
Edit the files /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/conf-ld and replace the first line by :
ln -s /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/lang/en_US /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/lang/default
make clean
make; make man
To use a language other than US English as the default for list texts, edit the file /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/conf-lang and change the first line to one of the ISO language designations found in the /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/lang directory.
You should have an answer like this :
Using subdb plugin: std
ezmlm-reject: OK
ezmlm-[un|is]sub[n]: OK
ezmlm-checksub: OK
ezmlm-send: OK
ezmlm-tstdig: OK
ezmlm-weed: OK
ezmlmrc contents: OK
ezmlm-clean: OK
ezmlm-store: OK
ezmlm-return: OK
ezmlm-warn (1/2): OK
ezmlm-manage (1/2): OK
ezmlm-request: OK
ezmlm-split: OK
ezmlm-gate: OK
ezmlm-idx: OK
ezmlm-get (index): OK
ezmlm-get (get): OK
ezmlm-get (thread): OK
ezmlm-get (digest): OK
ezmlm-manage (2/2): OK
ezmlm-moderate: OK
ezmlm-warn (2/2): OK
ezmlm-archive: OK
ezmlm-dispatch: OK
dispatch editor: OK
decode sender: OK
Verifying message header and body contents...
flags and substs: OK
messages: OK
subscribe probe: OK
unsubscribe probe: OK
subscribe: OK
unsubscribe: OK
moderated subscribe: OK
moderated unsub: OK
subscribe by mod: OK
unsubscribe by mod: OK
copylines: OK
ezmlm-send: OK
Cleaning up...
Create the needed Database.
The used MySQL_root_password should be the password chosen on pre-step 3. It's should not be the same as the password for ezmlmuser (EZMLM_PASSWORD).
It's not a typo, the MySQL_root_password should really be just aside the -p
Test the account you have just created
You should have such response
Your MySQL connection id is 1073
Server version: 5.5.47-0+deb8u1 (Debian)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
Install and test the mysql support
make mysql
./ezmlm-test -s mysql -u ezmlmuser -p EZMLM_PASSWORD -h localhost
You should have an answer like this :
Using subdb plugin: mysql
ezmlm-reject: err with text after boundary: 0.30 bug fixed in 0.322
ezmlm-reject: OK
ezmlm-[un|is]sub[n]: OK
ezmlm-checksub: OK
ezmlm non-SQL: OK
ezmlm SQL: OK
Cleaning up...
Finalize the install
cp /downloads/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/ezmlm-cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
chmod 4555 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi
Ezmlm-0.53 is a qmail-based mailing list manager written by Dan J. Bernstein (qmail's author) ; ezmlm-idx originated as an add-on to it. It now exists as a complete package on its own, but can still be considered essentially as an extension to ezmlm.
You can find the complete manual on
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